General Overview
Staff member unit costs
Institutional unit cost
Management and indirect costs
Common pot
Certificate on the Financial Statement
Consortium Agreement
Guidelines & Procedures
General Overview
The RISE (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange) scheme will promote international and inter-sector(academic & non-academic) collaboration through research and innovation staff exchanges, and sharing of knowledge and ideas from research to market (and vice-versa) for the advancement of science and the development of innovation.
Staff member unit cost
The financial support is composed of a staff member unit cost of 2100 EUR per month.
The Staff member unit cost is a top-up allowance intended to support travel, accomodation and subsistence costs for the staff member. The salary of the seconded staff is not covered by the EU contribution, and shall be paid by the Organization for the full duration of the secondment.
An internal procedure for claims and eligible personnels on RISE projects is available below.
Institutional unit cost
The EU contribution includes a contribution for Institutional costs. This contribution is split into 2 categories :
- 1800€/months of secondment for Research, training and networking costs
- 700 €/months of secondment as Management and indirect costs
Management and indirect costs
Under H2020, Management and Overheads have been merged into a single cost category, covered by a flat rate of 700€/researcher-month. As a consequence, the distribution mechanism of this budget is left to the decision of the consortium. It should be addressed in a separate agreement.
To this aim, CERN proposes the following distribution:
- 350 €/month of secondment as indirect costs for each beneficiary
- 80% of the remaining budget (=Management) to the coordinator
- and 20% distributed to the other beneficiaries
Whether CERN is the coordinator or not, it is important that this distribution is discussed rapidly between the beneficiaries, ideally before the start of the project.
The internal distribution of this budget is detailed in the procedure “Use of the Management budget on a H2020 Marie Curie project” below.
Common pot
It might happend that some beneficiaries of a RISE project have to spend more than the others, in order to organize events for the whole consortium. However, the budget for Research, Training and Networking costs is distributed per research/month.
CERN recommends to set aside a specific budget dedicated to these expenses. Through this "common pot", the coordinator would reimburse the beneficiaries which had paid for costs that should be spread across the consortium.
Certificate on the Financial Statement
No CFS (audit certificate) will have to be provided, even when the maximum EC contribution exceeds the threshold of 325,000 €.
Consortium Agreement
Consortium Agreements are mandatory under H2020. The CA must be revised by the following groups/sections:
- CERN Legal Service (DG-LS)