Conference Accounting Service

To allow the organisers of CERN conferences to keep track of the income and expenditure associated with their conference, FAP-ACC-PA offers them the possibility to open a conference budget code, under certain conditions*, and to obtain access rights to the CET (CERN Expenditure Tracking) application and EDH signature rights.

The form below should be completed, signed by the DPO responsible for the conference and returned to the Personnel Accounting service (FAP-ACC-PA).

After examining the form, the FAP-ACC-PA section may request the opening of a temporary CERN budget code (with no budget allocated to it) under the responsibility of the organic unit organising the conference.

Within a maximum of 6 months after the date on which the event ends, the balance (positive/negative, including open commitments) will be transferred to the general code of the organising Department as follows:

  • In the case of a negative balance: amount debited from the general budget code of the organising Department
  • In the case of a positive balance: amount credited to the Revenues budget code of the organising Department.

FAP-ACC-PA will be responsible for all the accounting entries for these temporary conference codes and will act as the point of contact within the FAP Department.


Process for the creation of a temporary budget code

When the decision to hold the conference is taken:

  • The organiser submits a request to FAP-ACC-PA
  • FAP-ACC-PA sends to the organiser a form to be completed
  • The form, signed by the DPO of the organising Department and specifying the desired budget code, is returned to FAP-ACC-PA
  • A request is submitted by FAP-ACC-PA to FAP-RPC, via EDH, for the creation of the temporary code (creation form attached to EDH request)
  • FAP-RPC informs FAP-ACC-PA that the code has been created
  • FAP-ACC-PA assigns access rights in accordance with the information on the form
  • FAP-ACC-PA informs the organiser of the rights assigned and the payment instructions.

At the end of the conference (or within the following 6 months at most)

  • In the case of a negative balance: FAP-ACC-PA sends an e-mail to the DPO concerned informing him that the balance is charged to the general code of his Department
  • In the case of a positive balance: FAP-ACC-PA sends an e-mail to the DPO concerned,informing him that the balance is charged to the revenues code of his Department

Contact person: Claims office.


Advantages of opening a temporary conference code

The opening of a temporary conference code gives the organisers various advantages:

  1. Possibility to have a negative balance before inscriptions or sponsorship money are received, provided that FAP-ACC-PA is informed of the estimated budget envelope,
  2. EDH expenditure authorisation,
  3. Tracking of expenditure in CET,
  4. Possibility of on-line payments by credit card via INDICO,
  5. Possibility to issue requests for funds (sponsorship money or invoices issued at the request of universities)


The opening of a temporary conference code requires the organisers to do the following:

  1. Present a draft budget for the conference, indicating how income and expenditure will be balanced,
  2. Give an end date for the conference, which must not exceed one budget year,
  3. Inform FAP-ACC-PA as soon as the last invoices have been settled so that the conference code can be closed,
  4. Make sure that the RFF (request for funds) forms available in EDH are used only for requests for funds from sponsors and not for issuing invoices to participants.


* Conditions for the opening of a temporary conference code

The conference must be organised by CERN or one of its representatives but may take place off the CERN site. It must be time-limited and, in the case of annual conferences, the same code cannot be carried over from one year to the next.

All requests for the opening of an account must be forwarded via the DPO of the organising Department. If more than one Department is involved in organising the conference, a single DPO must be appointed to be responsible for the conference code and the positive or negative balance attributed to his budget code must be communicated to FAP.



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array('title' => t('Sign in to your CERN account'), 'class' => 'cern-account'))); ?>
Updated on: 04/03/2019