Horizon 2020 Marie Curie - IF

IF (Individual Fellowships)

General Overview
Certificate on the Financial Statement
Consortium Agreement
Management & Overheads
Unit costs
Financial contribution of departments
Guidelines & Procedures

General Overview

The goal of Individual Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition through advanced training, international and intersectoral mobility. Individual Fellowships provide opportunities to acquire and transfer new knowledge and to work on research in a European context (EU Member States and Associated Countries) or outside Europe. The scheme particularly supports the return and reintegration of researchers from outside Europe who have previously worked here. It also develops or helps to restart the careers of individual researchers that show great potential, considering their experience .

Certificate on the Financial Statement

No CFS (audit certificate) will have to be provided.

Consortium Agreement

IF are monosite projects. There is no consortium agreement.

Management and Overheads

The rule for the use of the management and overhead budget is defined in our procedure “Use of the Management budget on a H2020 “Marie Curie” project" below.


At the time of the relevant deadline for submission of proposals, the researcher shall not have carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) at CERN for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date.

Unit costs

There are no major financial changes as compared with FP7’s IFs. The salary of the researchers will be composed of a:

  • A.1 Monthly Living Allowance
  • A.2 Mobility Allowance
  • A.3 Family Allowance

All are included in the salary paid by CERN to the recruited researchers. The B.1 Research, Training and Networking costs category shall cover training/travel costs for the researchers, as well as the costs for performing the project. It is a flat rate of 800€/researcher-month.
Management and Overheads (B.2) have been merged. It is now a flat rate of 650€/researcher-month.


IF projects are for Experienced Researchers (ER) only. The researcher shall, at the time of the deadline for submission of the proposal, be in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience.

NB: Full-time equivalent research experience is measured from the date when a researcher obtained the degree which would formally entitle him or her to embark on a doctorate, either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the researcher is recruited or seconded, irrespective of whether or not a doctorate is or was ever envisaged.

Financial contribution of departments

For IF projects, the EC pays a living and a mobility allowance (i.e. the salary of the researcher), which is a fixed amount in EUR. The researchers are recruited at CERN under a fellowship contract, in accordance with CERN’s salary grid; the salary is higher than the EC contribution.
The continuing strong exchange rate is forcing us to revise our policy on Marie Curie projects, therefore, the departments need to contribute to the Marie Curie fellows' salary as of 22%* of their salary for a career path Zf2, 25% for a Zf3, 28% for a Zf4 and 30% for a Zg5.
The salary of the fellow shall be distributed between CERN and EU budget codes according to these percentages for the full duration of the fellowship.


The matching funds can come from the fellowship budget or as a GET fellow.
More information can be found here.


Guidelines & Procedures

Use of the Management budget on a H2020 Marie Curie project

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Updated on: 11/01/2021